About The Planets
The Planets was created in 2010 to provide an informative, easy to follow, and attractive online resource for information on the planets. While there are excellent resources on the internet offering one or two of these qualities, it is our opinion that, up till now, none have provided all three. Furthermore, it is these qualities that make The Planets a site accessible to a wide demographic. From K-12 students to backyard astronomers, this site offers anyone interested in the planets an opportunity to enjoy learning about them.
Looking ahead
While the main focus of this site is obviously the planets, it is impossible to gain even the most general understanding of these celestial bodies without also taking into account the other objects found in the vast space of the universe. With this in mind, The Planets also includes information on the Sun, asteroids, comets, and other bodies found within our solar system. Additionally, future content will include a section devoted to the basic science associated with the planets as well as a section on the astronomers who have been integral to our understanding of the planets and solar system.
Site content
Content for the site has been extensively researched and studied and is free to be used or copied. All that we ask if for you to link back to the URL where you found the information to attribute The Planets as the source.
Images and diagrams
Unless otherwise stated, all images are sourced from NASA. For more information on the terms of the licenses for those images, you can visit the NASA guidelines here.
All diagrams on this website have been created by us and are licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) Creative Commons license. Please respect this license and link to our material if you use it. If you wish to use the diagrams for commercial use, please contact us for more information.